Annapurna Single Track Circuit

Annapurna Single Track Circuit in Mountain Bike
An original way to discover the Himalayas, and a great challenge to take up: travel the region by mountain bike, not only to admire the sublime landscapes of the Annapurnas covered with snow, but also to live and share the culture of the country in a unique way!


  • Day 1 Arrival in Kathmandu

    Arrival in Kathmandu Arrival in Kathmandu (1360m): Welcome to the capital of Nepal. If your arrival time permits, you can enjoy a walking tour of the bustling city of gods. Your local guide can introduce his hometown with its old streets, temples and shops offering a first glimpse into Nepalese life.

    Accommodation: Hotel

  • Day 2 Tracks around Kathmandu

    Tracks around Kathmandu Today you go for a warm-up tour exploring some of the best trails in the Kathmandu Valley. So you test your bikes and gear to make sure everything is ready for the ride ahead. In about 4 hours of mountain biking, we will cover about 35 kms at a brisk pace while exploring the valley regions, using unique tracks and visiting some selected temples before returning to Kathmandu. You also make some last minute adjustments on the bikes and the final preparations and checks before the start of our big ride.

    Accommodation: Hotel

  • Day 3 Drive: Kathmandu to Beshisahar

    Drive: Kathmandu to Beshisahar An early start to the day, where we'll enjoy some Himalayan-grown coffee before heading out on the 6-hour drive to Besisahar. Outside of busy Kathmandu, we'll get to see the beautiful countryside of Nepal. with it's many green, terraced fields, and there will be time to enjoy the views and have lunch. Once in Besisahar, we'll begin preparing for the next day's ride, as well as meeting our local porters for the trip. We'll have our first welcome dinner and overnight in a cozy teahouse, the first of many on the trip!

    Accommodation: Lodge
    Drive: 6 hour

  • Day 4 Track: Besisahar (760m) - Tal (1700m)

    Track: Besisahar (760m)  - Tal (1700m) After breakfast, it's time to set out on our first day of riding. Fresh out of Besisahar and finally onto some real Himalayan singletrack! We'll begin to whittle away at the 1,000 meters of climbing for the day. Our path takes us along the Marsyandi River, and though we're not yet in the highest altitude section of the trip, the views are simply beautiful. We'll arrive in Tal, situated in a deep gorge, and surrounded by terraced farms perched impossibly on the steep slopes of Himalayan foothills. Our overnight is in another local teahouse, where we'll refuel and keep warm.

    Accommodation : Lodge
    Distance: - 37.4 km

  • Day 5 Track: Tal (1700m) - Chame (2670m)

    Track: Tal (1700m) - Chame (2670m) It wouldn't be a the Himalaya if there was no climbing, and today is no exception as we work our way up. The elevation in Chame, our destination for the day, puts us within the "high altitude" category, of over 2,500 meters. This is one to take slowly, and let your body adjust. Today's route is challenging; with steep uphills on rugged singletrack. Thick jungle surrounds us, interspersed with views of the river. So rests to catch your breath and take in the views are well worth it! We'll overnight in the village of Chame, a key spot on the Annapurna trekking circuit, and we'll be in the company of trekkers and local Sherpa.

    Accommodation : Lodge
    Distance: - 22.6 km

  • Day 6 Track: Chame (2670m) - Manang (3540m)

    Track: Chame (2670m) - Manang (3540m) A beautiful ride today, as we climb higher into the Annapurna region, to the village of Manang. Our track widens as the environment changes from jungle to arid alpine and we finally get the sense of being in the high Himalayas. The ride isn't too technical, but the surface can be soft in some places with loose rock. Combined with the rapidly rising altitude, it's a good idea to take things slowly today. At over 3,600 meters, Manang is well beyond high altitude, and we'll feel the effects as we cycle. We'll overnight and acclimatize in a cozy trekking teahouse.

    Accommodation : Lodge
    Distance: - 29.7 km

  • Day 7 Manang Rest and Acclimatisation Day

    Manang Rest and Acclimatisation Day Today's rest and acclimatization day couldn't be in a better spot. The village of Manang is well-equipped for a cozy rest day with coffee shops and even a movie theater, for those looking to take it easy before the ride ahead. If you're feeling adventurous, there are several short side hikes in the area that will offer breathtaking Himalayan views and help acclimatize to the altitude. Manang is home to the Manangi people, who thrive in a high-altitude environment. Lucky travelers get a chance to watch the locals participate in the ancient sports of archery and pony racing. We'll spend another restful evening in a local teahouse, fueling up for another big day.

    Accommodation: Lodge

  • Day 8 Track: Manang (3540m) - Phedi (4450m)

    Track: Manang (3540m) - Phedi (4450m) Bidding goodbye to Manang, our course points us higher again. We'll take the ride slow, through the village of Yak Kharka, and further to Thorong Phedi, the base camp of mighty Thorong La, at just under 5,000 meters. The trail runs along a small river valley and is mostly rideable, but very rocky in some sections, where carrying will be necessary. It's best to take this section slowly, as the terrain is loose and prone to sliding. Our expert guide will help you navigate the trail safely as we pass difficult sections along with plenty of local foot-and hoof- traffic. Overnight in a teahouse in Thorong Pedi, where we'll dine heartily after a hard days ride. It's best to get to bed early to get enough rest before the big climb on the following day.

    Accommodation: Lodge
    Distance: - 19 km

  • Day 9 Track: Thorang Phedi (4450m) Thorang La (5416 m) - Muktinath (3760m)

    Track: Thorang Phedi (4450m) Thorang La (5416 m) -  Muktinath (3760m) Rise very early to set out for Thorong La at 5 AM. This is the Annapurna Circuit's most famous high altitude pass and the most challenging part of our ride. Reaching the top of the pass, more than 1,300 meters from Thorong Phedi, will require several steady hours of pushing in the cold and high altitude. We'll have assistance from local porters, who will carry our bikes for us, but the climb is still a long slog that will test our spirits. Once at the top, at 5,416 meters, we'll take in the view from both sides, a jaw-dropping forest of snowy peaks that stretch beyond our line of sight. After that comes the real reward- a superb and technical downhill all the way to our rest at the end of the day in the village Muktinath. We'll share stories of the day's ride over a hearty Himalayan feast.

    Accommodation: Lodge
    Distance: - 22 km

  • Day 10 Track: Muktinath (3760m) - Lupra Valley - Jomsom - Tukche

    Track: Muktinath (3760m) - Lupra  Valley - Jomsom - Tukche With the most challenging part of the trip behind us, it's on to some fun! Now that we're primarily losing elevation, we can go much further and we'll cover more ground today than in the past several days combined! We head out of Muktinath, traversing a small hillside trail that's mildly technical. There will be a few sections of push, followed by fun and fast singletrack switchbacks all the way down to a valley riverbed. We'll rejoin the main trail in Jomsom and enjoy some tough riding, but with great views, all the way to the lovely traditional village of Tukuche. We'll have some time to enjoy Tukuche,

    Accommodation: Lodge
    Distance - 32 km.

  • Day 11 Track: Tukche - Tatopani (1190 m)

    Track: Tukche - Tatopani  (1190 m) We keep going down. The flat trail starts smoothly and winds along the sides of the valley, through pine forests. We will cross small villages, and, passing the river, discover beautiful views of the snow-capped peaks. We will stop for lunch in Rupse Chhahara, at the edge of impressive waterfalls. Then we will descend nearly 1000m by taking a path made of curves and rocky and bumpy areas. We will arrive in Tatopani, a village famous for its rejuvenation hot springs, with typical pebbles. We will take a long break there, allowing you to enjoy a good relaxing bath or even a local massage unless you prefer to just quench your thirst with a good beer

    Accommodation: Lodge
    Distance: 40 Km

  • Day 12 Track: Tatopani (1190m) - Beni. Drive Beni to Pokhara

    Track: Tatopani (1190m)  - Beni. Drive Beni to Pokhara A journey of about 25 km awaits us by jeep on a flat and clear track most of the time, before finding some climbs and descents in the Annapurna region. Arriving in Beni, we will borrow another jeep for our return to Pokhara, and finally a well-deserved rest, and the end of this fantastic mountain bike getaway!

    Accommodation: Pokhara.
    Distance: - 25 km
    Drive: 3 hour

  • Day 13 Flight Pokhara to Kathmandu

    Flight Pokhara to Kathmandu Flight at noon from Pokhara to Kathmandu. Check all your luggage at the hotel, and enjoy an afternoon of shopping, before your last night in Nepal!

    Accommodation: Hotel

  • Day 14 Departure

    Departure End of stay

    End of stay

Travel Notes:
The program has been established according to the last elements known at the time of its drafting; imponderables are always possible and situations beyond our control can change their course. Depending on the weather and operational conditions, your management team reserves the right to modify this itinerary in order to best ensure the course of the stay and your safety. Also for security reasons, the management and the organization reserve the right to interrupt your participation if your technical level and / or your physical fitness do not correspond to those required. Under no circumstances may this interruption give rise to a refund or payment of compensation.

Dates & prices

International departures:

No departure for now

Trip code: NEPANMBK-EN


  • All transfers by private vehicle as detailed in itinerary
  • 3 * hotel and B&B accommodation in Kathmandu (Hotel Tibet, Manaslu or similar) 
  • 2 * or 3* hotel accommodation in Pokhara (Hotel Lake View or similar)
  • Full board for the trek
  • Accompaniment by an English speaking Altaï Guide
  • Visits as per itinerary: with a cultural guide and a private vehicle
  • Luggage: up to 12kg maximum per person during the trek
  • Support Jeep for Mountain Bikes
  • Trekking support team: assistants and porters
  • Trekking permits: ACAP and TIMS
  • Staff Insurance

Not included

  • Entrance to historical sites, monuments and museums
  • Moubtain Bikes
  • Meals in Kathmandu & Kathmandu Valley
  • Nepalese visa: US $ 25
  • International flights
  • Insurance: Repatriation, Medical & Helicopter Services
  • Drinks, tips and personal expenses

Additional Options
Supplement Flight: Pokhara - Kathmandu: 115€


For many years, we put our know-how and our experience of Himalayan destinations to the service of travelers from different horizons. You may find yourself in an international group with participants from our various partners.

Terms and conditions


Booking a trip with Altaï Nepal implies acceptance of the terms and conditions of sale. Each customer is required to complete a registration form and, subject to availability at the time of registration, travellers are expected to pay a deposit of 35% of the total price to complete their booking. Payments can be made online or by bank transfer. You will receive an e-mail with your booking confirmation.


Once your booking is confirmed you will receive an invoice by e-mail. The full balance of the trip must be received at least 30 days before your departure date. Altaï Nepal reserve the right to cancel your booking, free of charge, if this deadline is not respected.


If for any reason you have to cancel your trip, Altaï Nepal require written confirmation of your decision. The money you have paid will then be refunded according to the following deductions:

  • Cancellation received more than 30 days prior to the departure date: a sum of €50 per person will be retained
  • Cancellation received 30 to 21 days before the departure date: your deposit, 30% of the total trip price will be retained
  • Cancellation received 20 to 14 days before the departure date: 50% of the total trip price will be retained
  • Cancellation received 13 to 7 days before the departure date: 75% of the total trip price will be retained
  • Cancellation received less than 7 days before the departure date: 100% of the total trip price will be retained

Special cases:
Please note that, regardless of the date of cancellation or modification if you have agreed to pay for services such as hotel reservations, flights or additional activities, these services are usually non-refundable so additional fees may apply.
  • Fixed airfares: if your airline ticket was issued in advance, often done to avoid significant surcharges, you will be charged 100% of any non-refundable fees if you wish to change or cancel your flight plan.
  • Fixed in-country costs: early charges for firm bookings will be charged if you cancel or modify your trip.
  • Insurance costs: if you have taken out comprehensive or cancellation insurance, the cost of insurance is due and cannot be refunded.

Please note that fees apply according to the date Altaï Nepal receive your cancellation or modification request in writing.

If we have to cancel a departure due to an insufficient number of participants, you will be informed no later than 21 days before departure and a full refund will be issued, you will not be entitled to further compensation. We reserve the rights to cancel departures due to exceptional circumstances which may impact the safety of participants. Such circumstances include those amounting to 'force majeure' in which case participants will receive a full refund but they will not be entitled to any compensation.

Modification du contrat

If you wish to make a change to your booking please contact us in writing; you will be expected to pay any fee which might arise from this change. In the event of unforeseen external events, Altaï Nepal may change some aspects of the travel contract. If any changes are necessary you will be informed as quickly as possible.

Prix et révision des prix

The prices on our website are updated regularly and all of the prices we advertise are accurate when published. Altaï Nepal reserve the rights to make changes to any of these prices. Before you make a booking we will give you the up-to-date price of your chosen holiday including any supplements, upgrades or additional activities you may have requested. If the number of travellers is fewer than the indicated number of participants on the website, a small group surcharge may be applied. For all of our trips we include details of services, prices and what is/is not included but please be aware that changes to the prices may be necessary in accordance with exchange rates or price changes of various components of the journey.

Cession du contrat

If you are unable to travel with Altaï Nepal for any reason, you can transfer your booking to another person in which case our modification conditions apply. Both the transferor and transferee will be jointly and severally liable for payment of the total holiday price and other associated expenses. Some airline carriers treat name changes as cancellations and you may be required to pay for the cost of a new ticket.


We strongly recommend that you take out personal travel insurance for your trip with Altaï Nepal as soon as your booking is confirmed. We advice you to purchase a travel insurance policy which covers flight cancellations, luggage loss and emergency health care. Please look carefully at which activities are covered by your insurer and do not forget to bring all necessary documents and information with you (name of the company, name of the contract, insurance policy number, telephone number...)

Practical info


Based in Kathmandu for many years,  Altai Nepal guarantees you an active travel experience, thanks to our guides and our logistical infrastructure. During your trip, you are accompanied by our Altai trekking guides, 100% mobilized to help you discover unusual places in the heart of nature. Let yourself be guided…

• This trip is led by an English-speaking Nepalese trekking guide
• A local team assists you during the trek. Here is its composition (variable depending on the size of the group and the logistics required):

- Porters: during the trek, our belongings are carried by porters. Porterage is a historical tradition in Nepal, necessitated  by the very rugged topology of the place. Thus, it is not uncommon to come across locals carrying loads of more than 50 kg on the trails! Being very concerned about the working conditions of our teams, we ensure that our porters work in the best possible conditions (a fair salary, limited charges, insurance, and suitable equipment are made available to all). On our trips, we provide one porter for every two travellers. The load is limited to 30 kg per carrier on our trips to lodges.

- Assistant-guides: in addition to the guide, assistant-guides are present too. They are responsible for providing active assistance to travelers, and make sure all participants to walk at their own pace.



The traditional Nepalese dish is 'dal bhat', rice and lentils, accompanied by some spicy vegetables. In Kathmandu, it is possible to eat a good variety of dishes, but in the mountains, the choice is relatively limited: the lodges (local tea houses) offer menus that are often similar and less varied (e.g. dal bhat, fried noodles, mo:mos, fried rice, pasta with tomato sauce, fried potatoes, etc).

On our group trips: three meals and a snack per day will be served. On long trekking days, you will also have an energy supplement (cereal bars and/or dried fruits).

During lodge treks, we try to offer you the most varied meals possible, with the dishes or ingredients available in the lodges. Some examples: dal bhat (Nepali daily meal), stir-fried rice with vegetables, potatoes with cheese, fries, pasta with tomato sauce, and sometimes even pizza! Note that fresh meat is rare and sometimes not recommended for Western stomachs.

Here are examples of the meals served on our trips:

• Breakfast: toast, pancake or Tibetan bread with butter/jam/honey + eggs + tea or coffee.
• Lunch: a main dish.
• A small snack at the end of the day is offered (biscuits and tea).
• Dinner: a soup, a main course, and a dessert (eg fruit in syrup)

+ a cup of tea and/or coffee is offered with all meals.

In Kathmandu and Pokhara, we often exclude meals, so that everyone can enjoy the variety of restaurants in the cities according to their tastes.

In the mountains, you can fill your water bottles at the tap or at the water sources (on the advice of the guide), but it is essential to filter it or treat it with purifying tablets. The purchase of bottled mineral water may also be possible in lodges, in town, or in restaurants. However, we encourage all to minimize plastic consumption: there is no recycling on site.


In Kathmandu and other cities, you will normally be accommodated in 3 * hotels. In more rural areas, we use homestay accommodation with varying comforts (they all have functioning beds, mattresses, tables, chairs, toilets, etc.) We love using homestay accommodation options which offer insights into Nepalese life and support local families. In addition, the use of lodges considerably reduces the number of porters and cut down the infrastructure of trekking.


Transport/transfer by bus, private minibus & plane.

Budget & exchange

The local currency is the Nepalese Rupee NPR.
Visit for the latest currency converter and exchange rates.
You can withdraw Nepalese Rupees from in-country ATMs in Kathmandu and credit cards are accepted except in shops and hotels. Please budget for meals in Kathmandu, drinks, tips and other personal expenses.


Tipping is very present in Nepal. It is an integral part of the 'tourism' culture of the country: independent of salary levels, your tip is seen as a sign of appreciation. The amount depends on your satisfaction with the services rendered and your generosity. Your guide will help you on this subject. Like money, if you have clothes to give, do not hesitate to seek advice from your guide who will make a fair distribution. We advise you not to give sweets and / or energy bars  / chocolate to local children as there are virtually no dentists here in the mountains. The same rules apply to medicine, western medication is not necessarily adapted for the Nepalese and, moreover, following the correct dosage is extremely important.

Vital equipment

  • Warm Sleeping Bag
  • Water purifiers (micropur, aguatabs ...)

From head to toe:
  • A cap or sunhat
  • 1 or 2 sets of thermals: long-sleeved thermal tops and full-length long johns
  • Long sleeved and short sleeved t-shirts, preferably in quick-drying technical material
  • A light fleece or equivilent (plus extra warm layers if necessary)
  • A breathable wind proof, waterproof jacket (Gore-Tex...)
  • Lightweight waterproof over trousers
  • Suitable shorts
  • Walking trousers
  • A pair of high-rise walking boots - strength, good grip of the foot and ankle (high stems) and impermeability are essential. Choose shoes with non-slip soles (vibram).
  • A pair of trainers/sandels or equivilent casual shoes for cities, villages and evenings
  • Thick walking socks
  • Warm gloves, hat and scarf (it can be chilly in the mountains)


  • Your personal toiletries and a fast drying towel
  • Water bottle(s). Min. 2 litres, light and isothermal
  • A good pair of sunglasses (think min. category 3)
  • Sun-cream, face and lips
  • Head torch and spare batteries
  • A pocket knife
  • A pair of hiking poles
  • A waterproof bag cover (or plastic bags) to protect your belongings
  • Toilet paper
  • Anti-bacterial hand gel
  • Your camera
  • A notebook or travel journal

Helpful equipment

- Walking sticks
- Waterproof bags to protect your belongings
- Notebook or travel diary


Your luggage must be divided into two bags:
  • A rucksack (35-40L or 45-50L) for use as a day bag. This will contain your (vital) personal belongings for the day (sweater, spare t-shirt, water bottle, picnic-lunch, sunglasses, small things ... )
  • We use porters to transport our other belongings when trekking. Please bring a flexible travel bag with zips for easy access max 80L and max 13kg (16kg with camping gear). Please do not bring suitcases or other hard bags which the porters cannot transport.
  • You may also be able to store some belongings securely at the hotel in Kathmandu.
To protect your bags, we will provide solid waterproof Altaï Bags.


Your guide is a trained first-aider and will carry a full first aid kit at all times during the trip. We recommend that you bring a small personal first aid kit containing any medication you may need such as inhalers, plasters, antiseptic and painkillers. And of course, do not forget to bring medicines that you have to use regularly. And of course, do not forget to bring medicines that you take regularly, if any.


Your passport should be vaild for at least six months after the last day of your stay. It is your responsibility to confirm your specific passport requirements and please be aware that proof of onwards travel may be required.


It is your responsibility to confirm your specific visa requirements. Please bring valid passport photos with you to obtain a visa upon arrival.
To obtain trekking permits, your passport and photo ID is also required. Please provide us with good quality scans of your passport and 2 photos of identity.
For an individual visa, obtained on the spot as you arrive in Kathmandu, rates are as follows:
- 15 days : 30 US$
- 30 days : 50 US$

Mandatory vaccines

No mandatory vaccinations are required. Recommended vaccines include Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis, and Influenza.

Health information & recommendations

It is your responsibility to check that your personal health insurance covers everything in this trip. A consultation with your doctor is a prerequisite for any trip and we advise you to visit your dentist too as untreated cavaties have an annoying habit of waking up with altitude.

Hygiene Recommendations
Water is not drinkable in Nepal. It is always possible to buy bottled water but in order to limit pollution and preserve natural areas, we strongly recommend that you drink purified water. For that, think to bring a water bottle of minimum 1.5 liters and purifying tablets (micropur, agua tabs ...). Consume only treated water or water which has been boiled for 30 minutes and then filtered.Be sure to wash your hands frequently, and definitely before each meal (anti-bacterial hand gel is recommended) and take care to disinfect any skin wounds. Avoid drinking natural drinks like pressed fruit juice and do not consume ice cream or "lassi" (a milk-based beverage) bought in the street. Meat and fish / shellfish should be well cooked before consumption.


From the eternal snows of high peaks to the tropical lowlands, Nepal has a wide variety of climates.
- In autumn (October to mid-December) the days are very beautiful but can be fresh at altitude. At 3000 m altitude, temperatures can drop to -10 ° C (14°F) at night.
- In winter (mid-december to mid-february): The nights are generally cold and the climate is dry. If night time temperatures drop easily below 0 ° C (31°F) to 3000 m, the days are often sunny. Treks below 4000 m are very pleasant. There are very few tourists at this time.
- In spring (March to end of May): in this season, Kathmandu is in full bloom and the rhododendrons are magnificent. The weather is pleasant, it is getting hotter with some night storms. Temperatures vary between 10 and 28 ° C (50 - 83°F), but can rise to over +30 ° C (+86°F). Between 2000 and 3000 m, temperatures rarely drop below 0 ° C (32°F). A few rare frosts or snowfalls are possible in March from +4000 m.
- In summer: it is the monsoon season. This interrupts the majority of trekking from June until the end of September. However, certain regions of the "Trans-Himalayan" zone, Mustang and Dolpo remain sheltered from the monsoons - these are the only circuits available in Nepal in the summer.


In recent years, due to a lack of hydropower facilities, electricity and water outages are becoming more frequent in Nepal, especially in Kathmandu (mainly in winter and spring). The hotels have generator but the electricity is limited. It is the same for the consumption of water.

Local time

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)/ Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +5.45. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is not observed here.

Sustainable tourism

As adventure and wilderness travel experts who run trips to some of the most remote parts of the world, we take responsible tourism very seriously. We respect the ‘Leave No Trace’ outdoor ethical code and try to explore this beautiful location whilst causing minimal environmental damage.

Since the beginning, we have advocated for responsible tourism and the importance of equitable and sustainable principles. Harmonising these fundamentals ensures a fair distribution of economic benefits, improved working conditions for local teams and an increased awareness of the importance and practice of environmental protection. We hope that all of our clients will respect our philosophies and embrace these attitudes.

The Leave No Trace policy can be summarized in 7 simple steps which we hope you will follow during ourtrip...
1.    Be prepared
2.    Stick to trails and camp overnight right
3.    Stash your trash and pick up waste
4.    Leave it as you find it
5.    Be careful with fire
6.    Respect wildlife
7.    Be considerate of other visitors

Over the years we have built up good relations with our local suppliers and we are keen to support local businesses as much as possible. We are a small company and we pay our local partners and suppliers directly insuring fair rates.

Our small group sizes not only provide a more intimate adventure but also cause less impact on the environment and local communities.We expect all who travel with us to support and uphold our Sustainable Tourism philosophies.
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My local agent

  • From Kathmandu
  • More than 25 years of experience in tourism
  • Himalayan Travel Logistics Specialist
  • Languages: English and French
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Annapurnas, Manaslu & Dhaulagiri
Outdoor Activities
14 days
2 to 15 people
From €1,605


  • Single Track to Annapurna Circuit
  • Discover Nepals famous high mountains in just 14 days
  • Breathtaking views, local culture and rewarding hiking await

Required level

This trips demands a very good physical condition, suitable clothing and good hiking boots. Regular and serious training (running, swimming, brisk walking...) during the 2 to 3 months prior to your trip is recommended. This trek includes an average of 5 to 6 hours of hiking per day and daily elevations of +/-1000m.
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